Sunday, June 21, 2015

Welcome to Motor Geeks...and More!

This blog is going to be authored by 2
smart and adorable little boys! They will
Be sharing their love for movies, music, toys,mostly motorcycles, cars , superheroes, comic books and whatever it is they are into to for the time being! 

This first post is all about what "Motor Geeks" mean from the point if view of a 7 and 8 year old boys, Enzo & Gavin... Also known as "the motor geek boys!" 

Let's start with some trivias about MTB.

This is their logo--- hand drawn by Gavin.

Watch out for more motorgeeky news and trivias from the MGBOYS!

When they are not busy playing with their toys... They keep themselves busy recording music!  They call themselves-- "THE IRON BUGS!"

Watch out for their latest CD!!! To be recorded @ NVG Records. 

Have a cool week ahead guys!